Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Family Tree

My Grandparents

My Grandmother Mina Ruth Abbott

Born Dec. 5, 1895 Minnesota

James D Abbott and Family

James Danford Abbott

Born Oct 29 2857

Sophie Christensen/Peterson

Born 1862 in Sweden

Pass 1995


Married: 1914 in Port Hope Minnesota

John Alden Clark aka John Red Cloud

Born 1895 Rosebud Indian Reservation SD


Jack Red Cloud

Nancy Good Cloud Wasti / Red Cloud

Adopted by: ( taken )

Lt. William Clark

Ruth C Clark

Now I understand why the Family wouldn’t recognize, My Grandfather being Lakota (Sioux). One of the first deaths of a White man by a Native American was an Abbott, the denial was so strong. He wasn’t allowed to talk about it or even mention that he was of Native Blood. Now I know why it was all so much a secret. It would have been a betrayal of her Family

Abbott has a long line of Military standings. They go to George I V Abbott arrived 1642 In Mass , I have flowed my tree to Ralph De Abbott Born 1119 in England.

As to why Grandpa chose me I still do not know. There are many Traits we share, and my Birth day is only 5 days from his. He was the 22nd of Sept. mine is the 27th. We both have a crooked short little finger. So does Chief Red Cloud.

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